幾天前跟 Anna, Eric & Annie, Agustin & Samantha 以起受邀在 2018 新舞台藝術節啟動記者會裡面擔任開場演出,與螢幕上科爾內霍舞團的世界頂尖舞者"隔空飆舞",為此我們密集排練、使出渾身解數並大膽加入舞台特技,壓力雖大著實是舞得非常暢快!
而這場記者會給我最深刻的印象是中信文教基金會對於新舞台藝術節節目遴選、活動呈現、藝術推廣與宣傳的仔細、執著與專業,對於與會賓客、藝術團體、表演者的接待更是面面俱到。今年的六檔節目有音樂、戲劇、舞蹈,每一檔都很吸引人!附上節目資訊及記者會剪輯,想推薦大家一起走進劇場看表演!早鳥優惠到8月5日~ 新舞台藝術節: http://www.ctbcculture.org/#!63_page 早鳥優惠詳情:http://bit.ly/2LBXnnX 《魅.Tango》亞洲首演!! 阿根廷冠軍探戈舞團極致魅惑 驚艷好萊塢巨星~ 來這購票:http://bit.ly/2Mnb4DQ A few days ago I was invited along with Anna, Eric y Annie, and Agustin y Samantha to perform as the opening show of the press conference for 2018 CTBC Arts Festival. We were dancing to a video by German Cornejo's Dance Company featuring some of the top tango dancers of the world! For such a challenging show we did rehearse intensively, pulling out tricks from the hats that we do not usually wear, but we truly enjoyed the experience and we are delighted that it went pretty well! With this experience with CTBC Foundation for Arts and Culture, I was able to appreciate the vision, professionalism and hard work and heart that they put into every aspect of the CTBC Arts Festival, putting up 6 amazing performances that include music, theatre and dance. I am especially so looking forward to watch German Cornejo's "TANGO AFTER DARK". Can't wait! I leave you here with information about the arts festival and ticketing. Early Bird until Aug. 5th. CTBC Arts Festival: http://www.ctbcculture.org/#!_en Ticketing: http://bit.ly/2Mnb4DQ 媒體報導 Media Coverage
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December 2018
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