詞: Héctor Marcó
曲: Graciano Gómez/José García Acércate a mí y oirás mi corazón, contento latir como un brujo reloj, la noche es azul, convida a soñar, ya el cielo ha encendido su faro mejor Si un beso te doy pecado no ha de ser; culpable es la noche que incita a querer. Me tienta el amor, acércate ya, que el credo de un sueño nos revivirá. Corre, corre barcarola, Por mi río de ilusión. Que en el canto de las olas surgirá mi confesión. Soy una estrella en el mar, que hoy detiene su andar para hundirse en tus ojos. Y en el embrujo de tus labios muy rojos, por llegar a tu alma mi destino daré. Soy una estrella en el mar, que hoy se pierde al azar sin amor ni fortuna. Y en los abismos de esta noche de luna, sólo quiero vivir de rodilla a tus pies, para amarte y morir. 月光之夜 譯者: Ale Kasique 靠近我 妳會聽到我的心 喜悅的心跳 如同個著魔的鐘錶 邀入夢鄉的藍色夜晚 天堂已燃起 最好的燈塔 要是我對妳獻吻 不會是罪惡 夜晚是罪魁禍首 刺激佔有 愛情誘惑著我 立即靠近我 夢想的信仰宣示 會復活我們。 船伕之歌,奔跑吧! 渡過幻象之河 在浪水的歌聲中 我的懺悔會崛起 我是海裡的一顆星星 今天停止了旅程 以便沈落在妳眼裡 而在妳紅唇所施的巫術裡 為了到達妳的心靈 我將奉獻我的命運 我是海裡的一顆星星 今天遺失在未知裡 沒有愛情與財富 而在這月光之夜的深淵裡 我只想生存 跪在妳腳前 為了愛妳而死去 註: 不包括第二段歌詞。
現場演奏有特殊的魔力。生命中的每個時刻我們經歷著不同的情緒及能量變化,而現場演奏提供了一個「活著的」感受~ 我們不追求把古人模仿得完美無缺,也不擔憂明天能不能超越今日;用心的感受當下的事物、咀嚼它的酸甜苦辣,就是生活的感覺!
Live music has a magical attraction. Every moment in life we experience difference changes in emotions and energy, and live music provides us with that feeling of "aliveness"~ We don't look to perfectly copy the great musicians of the past, neither do we worry about tomorrow being better than today; just to open our heart to feel the moment and to savour the different emotions, is to embrace life! 感謝昨晚參加探戈季節舞會的朋友們一起度過一個愉快的夜晚!謝謝 A Touch 觸動探戈樂團的精彩演奏、客座班多鈕大師 Joaquín Amenábar 的演奏以及精湛的開放團課、主持人王琦帶動熱烈氣氛以及 DJ 邵爺的美好音樂! Thank you for joining us last night at Tango Seasons Milonga! Great debut by A Touch Ensemble, wonderful performance and open class by guest bandoneón player and teacher Joaquín Amenábar, great energy by our host Joy Chi Wang and wonderful music by DJ Ian Shao! Photo credit: Daniel Liu.
幾天前跟 Anna, Eric & Annie, Agustin & Samantha 以起受邀在 2018 新舞台藝術節啟動記者會裡面擔任開場演出,與螢幕上科爾內霍舞團的世界頂尖舞者"隔空飆舞",為此我們密集排練、使出渾身解數並大膽加入舞台特技,壓力雖大著實是舞得非常暢快!
而這場記者會給我最深刻的印象是中信文教基金會對於新舞台藝術節節目遴選、活動呈現、藝術推廣與宣傳的仔細、執著與專業,對於與會賓客、藝術團體、表演者的接待更是面面俱到。今年的六檔節目有音樂、戲劇、舞蹈,每一檔都很吸引人!附上節目資訊及記者會剪輯,想推薦大家一起走進劇場看表演!早鳥優惠到8月5日~ 新舞台藝術節: http://www.ctbcculture.org/#!63_page 早鳥優惠詳情:http://bit.ly/2LBXnnX 《魅.Tango》亞洲首演!! 阿根廷冠軍探戈舞團極致魅惑 驚艷好萊塢巨星~ 來這購票:http://bit.ly/2Mnb4DQ A few days ago I was invited along with Anna, Eric y Annie, and Agustin y Samantha to perform as the opening show of the press conference for 2018 CTBC Arts Festival. We were dancing to a video by German Cornejo's Dance Company featuring some of the top tango dancers of the world! For such a challenging show we did rehearse intensively, pulling out tricks from the hats that we do not usually wear, but we truly enjoyed the experience and we are delighted that it went pretty well! With this experience with CTBC Foundation for Arts and Culture, I was able to appreciate the vision, professionalism and hard work and heart that they put into every aspect of the CTBC Arts Festival, putting up 6 amazing performances that include music, theatre and dance. I am especially so looking forward to watch German Cornejo's "TANGO AFTER DARK". Can't wait! I leave you here with information about the arts festival and ticketing. Early Bird until Aug. 5th. CTBC Arts Festival: http://www.ctbcculture.org/#!_en Ticketing: http://bit.ly/2Mnb4DQ 媒體報導 Media Coverage
感謝昨晚參加 Vanesa y Facundo Grand Milonga 的全體賓客!相信現場觀賞大師表演的臨場感所帶來的感動跟震撼會長留心中,成為一個美好的回憶!感謝 Vanesa y Facundo 精彩絕倫的表演,感覺把生命悉數放在舞台上了~ 感謝 DJ 保羅能量充沛的好音樂!感謝主辦人兼主持人 Anna、攝影師 William,以及工作人員的悉心服務。特別感謝楊大哥暫停 Milonga Loca 一次讓我們舉辦舞會及表演!
Thank you all for coming last night to Vanesa y Facundo's Grand Milonga and Show! Watching their dance live in front of our eyes and our hearts will surely leave a very special mark in our memories! Thanks to Vanesa y Facundo for the wonderful performance, placing all their beings on the stage~ Thanks to DJ Paul for the great music, to organiser and MC Anna, to photographer William, and to the staff for their hard work. Special thanks to Mr. Tango Yang and Milonga Loca for suspending once and let us use the venue for the event! Photo credit: William Chen 夏天到啦~~ 感謝大家參加今晚的探戈季節舞會之「夏」第一場!感謝 Eric & Annie 精彩扎實的 vals 開放團課,情緒探戈樂團精彩的表演,以及 DJ Trevor Wong 能量滿滿的美好音樂!很開心有北京的舞者大馬跟思萌蒞臨今晚的舞會,今天起就是 Vanesa y Facundo《舞台探戈・驚艷鉅獻》大師營,開心!!
Summer is here~~ Thanks to everyone who came to enjoy the night together at our first "Summer" Tango Seasons Milonga! Thanks to Eric & Annie for the great vals open class, to Tango Emocional Ensemble for their outstanding performance, and to DJ Trevor Wong for the wonderful music! Very happy to meet Beijing dancers Allen and Simona in Taipei! Vanesa y Facundo workshops begin today, yeah!! 感謝 Cecilia 邀請我到澎湖教課,也恭喜她繼去年成功的阿根廷探戈講座及表演之後,在澎湖舉辦了第一次的探戈體驗課程!感謝鎮海灣民宿的熱情招待,在這麼美的地方跳探戈非常愉快~ 😊❤️
很高興認識前來體驗的朋友們~ 在課後的練習舞會帶幾位女士跳(都很年輕!😆),分別即興出不同的內容,可見在短短兩小時內對於連結、走路、轉動都有了有效的認識,太棒了!而我得說在場男士們也都很有潛力,不論是帶領走路或帶領轉動都有所掌握。有興趣的話要在澎湖發展阿根廷探戈絕對是可行而值得!這個舞蹈也很適合年長者學習。 Hats off to Cecilia Chiang for the huge effort in organizing the first tango class in Penghu! It was a true pleasure to share tango with her friends. At the practice after class, many of us were already improvising a whole song! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽😃 Looking forward to the day when Penghu will have its own regular milongas and local teachers! #pushandtractionfromthebeginning #一開始就學推引概念太強大了
非常受到喜愛的阿根廷大師 Pablo Giorgini & Noelia Coletti 今年一月帶著雙胞胎愛女來台,在探戈藝文沙龍舉辦的《舞台探戈‧曼妙體驗》活動中表演。1月6日的《大亨小傳》探戈舞會開創了嶄新的探戈活動模式,結合了探戈體驗課、探戈音樂會、探戈舞會以及大師表演,讓探戈圈內圈外的愛好者可以共聚一堂,大亨小傳的主題也帶動了全場的氛圍,男士們的穿著各個帥氣,女生的復古造型也非常動人!
"Create Your Stage" Great Gatsby Tango Party & Show 大師 Maestros: Pablo Giorgini y Noelia Coletti 情緒探戈樂團 Tango Emocional Ensemble: Bandoneón 吳詠隆 Mark Wu Piano 王一心 Yi-hsin Wang Violin 簡翔竣 Hsiang-chun Chien Doublebass 陳美君 Mei-chun Chen MC 主持人: 王琦 Joy Chi Wang DJ: 邵爺 Ian Shao 體驗課老師 Free Class Teachers: 金姵汝 Anna Chin 劉心岳 Daniel Liu 酒會葡萄酒供應商 Wine supplier: 品諾嚴選葡萄酒 Casa Pino 攝影 Photo credit: 六加零 Maggie Liu 戶外音樂會是我對歐洲的憧憬,以往只有在電視或音樂會 DVD 上看得到。能在大安公園感受到這樣的音樂會氛圍,甚至站上舞台為觀眾表演心愛的探戈舞蹈,猶如夢想成真! 很榮幸接受 TSO 台北市立交響樂團之邀跟附設室內樂團以及小提琴家胡庭瑄、鋼琴家王一心、手風琴家吳詠隆等多位傑出音樂家共同演出《探戈森林》。感謝詠隆的推薦跟信任!感謝指揮姜智譯老師親切風趣的風格讓我們感覺放鬆自在。感謝舞伴 Anna 跟我辛勤而辛苦的排練,最後一起呈現出我們對於每首歌曲的詮釋跟感受。特地感謝 William 拍攝影片!感謝所有觀賞跟關注這場演出的家人、朋友,以及所有一起渡過美好週末夜晚的每個人! A DREAM COME TRUE Outdoor concerts are something I would only see on TV or DVDs. The european feeling and great ambience always mesmerized me, so to be able to perform on an outdoor concert stage with such a great ambience and setting was like a dream come true! What an honour to perform with the Chamber Orchestra of the Taipei Symphony Orchestra and violinist Ting-hsuan Wu, pianist Yi-hsin Wang and bandoneonist Yung-lung Wu and other outstanding musicians at the Daan Park Amphitheater of Taipei! Thanks to Yung-lung for the recommendation and trust, to the conductor Roger Chiang for your kindness and leadership, and to my partner Anna for the countless hours of rehearsals and for dancing together our interpretations for the songs we performed. Huge thanks to William Chen for the videos! Thanks to family and friends for being there physically or spiritually, and to all the people that came and shared together a wonderful weekend! Thank you all for coming to Tango Seasons Milonga! Thanks to the teachers for the full-of-cadence milonga open class and to guest DJ Don Ferrin for the great music! 感謝大家參加今晚的探戈季節舞會!謝謝老師們極具韻味的米隆加開放團課,以及客座 DJ Don Ferrin 的好音樂! 很開心受到饗響文教協會的邀請前往雲林西螺演出,會後帶著多位來賓體驗探戈舞蹈,希望能讓大家感受這項文化的獨特與美! 手風琴+吉他是風味十足的絕佳探戈音樂組合,搭配歌唱跟舞蹈可以呈現出更完整的探戈觀賞經驗。感謝 Chen-Chung Lee 跟 Roberto Zayas 精湛的演奏跟歌唱,也感謝 Anna Chin 陪伴我盡情舞蹈! 特別感謝饗響的 Jennifer Chen 及協會全體工作人員的熱心款待,讓我們很自在,有家的感覺。聲泊廳的建築設計好棒,軟硬體都在在顯示你們的用心。感謝觀賞演出的觀眾:你們的熱忱充滿能量,能為你們演出非常開心榮幸! 謝謝 William Chen 幫忙拍照、錄影。 |
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